In-Person Physical
Occupational & Speech Therapy
In Nassau County

Expert Care for Great Outcomes in Nassau County

Stay Active is trusted for providing customized care


We know that...

Our team of highly qualified clinical professionals offer in-home services that differs from the normal standard of traditional rehabilitation recovery. Our innovative centered model focuses on a proactive patient centered approach to provide short-term care. This begins with a full comprehensive initial assessment that targets specific activities and risk factors. We are fully committed to match any specific needs with our continued staff assistance available to provide an experience that surpasses all expectations. 

Meet Our Nassau County Therapy Team

Experienced Physical Therapists

Nassuau conunty therapy team

Robert Callahan PT, DPT

Physical Therapist

Dr. Callahan is a board certified physical therapist who has extensive experience working with patients living with Neck/Shoulder pain, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Stroke (CVA).  

Nassuau conunty therapy team

Melissa Pulice PT, DPT

Physical Therapist

Dr. Pulice is a board certified physical therapist who has over 10 years of experience working with patients living with Neck Pain/HeadachesAtaxia/Instability/Loss of Balance and Parkinson’s Disease.

*Medical Disclaimer: The content and information within are strictly based on opinions and thoughts, and therefore all content is educational only. and all related content should not be relied upon for the purpose of replacing formal medical care including but not limited to screening for pathology, movement evaluation, diagnostics, and treatment. It is also the sole responsibility of each and every individual reader, content consumer, and website visitor to consult with a licensed healthcare provider prior to carrying out any provided information. Stay Active Physical Therapy PLLC is in no way, shape, or form responsible or liable for any kind of adverse event, loss, risk, or other problem, which is sustained as a result of consulting or information obtained in any other forms of communication.